Tho I love pictures, n that's probably why I'm gonna hang some in here, I'm just certain now that some ways of thinking are only stupidity. Is not that I'm a prude, but I always thought that being drunk made no sense since u r not fully conscious of what u r doing, if your brain is not working at its fullest in lucidity you are probably being stupid and that's just not smart which I hate...and also what I have seen is that in some type of living, life looks so repetitive, is not about learning or discovery is about repeating the same behavior, over and over again, like it made sense at all, I don't get it, don't they want more? Is like falling sleep in a pool made of ice cream thinking this is so cool, I'm so high, its just stupid. There are things in this life way more meaningful n that deserve the time to think about, there's a time for gratitude and to appreciate your life to a point where u don't want to waste your time just being stupid, you want to do new things and have new achievements, u have new plans and new dreams, n new things you'll work for. Time to dream big, time to set a path to be where you wanna be and time to ask God for it. and I know its not a big deal, but still I regret the fact of the time wasted, I regret it badly. Still I like me in pictures, tho I'm not sure if its adequate hanging them, maybe it will just remind me how lucky I am to know that things can be different.
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